Weekly video check-in’s (4/month) or 1x 30min zoom 1-2-1 (didn’t use your check-in’s/1-2-1’s this month -no problem – ACTIVE memberships can save them for any month)
Bonus: Every 6 months of membership receive 4x additional video check ins or 1x 30 min zoom 1-2-1 or 1x group class (when offered).
Weekly video check ins (4/mo) or 1x 30 min zoom 1-2-1/ month (didn’t use your check-in’s/1-2-1’s this month -no problem – ACTIVE memberships can save them for any month)
1x Group zoom class/month
Bonus: every 6 months of membership receive an additional 4x check-ins or 1x 30 min zoom 1-2-1 or an additional group class (when offered)